A lot of people ask me whether or not they should get their hair and makeup done by a pro. My answer is always “whatever will make you feel best, do that”. I absolutely don’t think it’s necessary whatsoever, because in my personal opinion, I would rather look like MYSELF rather than a super glammed Kardashian version of myself; especially because I wear pretty minimal makeup with messy scrunched hair anyways. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had girls show up to shoots wiping off the caked on makeup and taking out 350 bobby pins their hair and makeup artist did because it just didn’t look like them. But, if you want your hair and makeup done then definitely do it because most important thing is that you feel confident like Beyonce always. If you’re getting hair and makeup done, I recommend you schedule to be done at least an hour before you need to LEAVE for our shoot so you aren’t late.

Also, if you’re whiter than toothpaste, like me, and want a spray tan, be sure to get a suuuppper natural airbrushed spray tan rather than one from a salon/tanning place. We don’t want dark orange spots on your hands, knees, elbows, or overall looking like the Peanut Butter baby.

I’ve gathered a few of my favorite hair and makeup artists in Texas! If you aren’t finding one that’s a good fit, let me know and I can look around for more options. Feel free to check out their instagrams linked below!





